Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Spring Has Sprung!

Well, what do you know? I look out today, and our cherry blossom trees are in bloom. Plus, the crocuses and daffodils that line our front walk are opening their faces to the sun (and finding themselves very disappointed, I'm sure, since it is so overcast today). I've been seeing the robins back in town for a few weeks now. Spring and autumn are, in my opinion, in a perpetual coin toss for most beautiful season.

Everything is renewed again. It is difficult to be gloomy in the midst of such beauty. Who am I kidding? It's difficult for me to be gloomy anytime, but I'm annoying like that. But springtime is an extra-happy season.

I hope that, wherever you happen to be reading this post from, you are enjoying the beginning of a lovely spring!*

*Or the beginning of a lovely autumn, in the case of our neighbors in the southern hemisphere. Thanks for the reminder, Morris!


Jo said...

Blooms are starting to appear here, as well. I saw a beautiful tree today, have no idea what it was, but it was just full of gorgeous white blossoms.
We've had a day of sun/rain/sun/rain. It's been kind of fun.
I'm working on getting an email written to send to you, but the babe and husband keep interrupting me! :)

Little Pencil Writing said...

Hi Justine!
Your blog randomly popped up, and I"m so glad it did!
I enjoy your writing and look forward to reading more.

We're enjoying the snow today; so funny to see it with the thundercloud cherry blossoms and daffodils now blooming. Winter isn't quite finished yet!

Enjoy your day!

Justine said...

Carole -- How long have you been out of Vancouver, BC? Did you ever hear of Carolyn Arends? She's a native British Columbian, and her music is the best I've ever heard. Seriously. Check her out!

I'll definitely know that spring is "realio, trulio" here when the tulips bloom. They are the calling card that spring has hung her sitting room curtains and is ready for visitors to revel barefooted in her earthy goodness. But she's creeping in, little by little!

Judy -- are you, by chance, in the PNW? We had snow this morning too! Didn't stick, though. Thanks for stopping by!