Monday, May 06, 2013

Bellis Perennis (Canis Optima!)

Otherwise known as the common daisy, Bellis Perennis has become the first nickname of our not-so-common Daisy, the newest member of the family!

Yesterday, we welcomed one brown-eyed, wet-nosed, two-year-old into our home for a trial 2-week adoption.  But, we do not need 2 weeks to know if this is the ONE.  She just so totally is.

Behold the cuteness of Daisy Girl:
Sadie is now, officially, the happiest girl in all the realm.  And I am now, officially, the most vacuuming-est mom that has ever been.  My new scourge: dog hair. Ah well, the things you do for love.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Small Washington School Closes Because of Nice Weather

This story made me smile; it's just so Washington:

SEATTLE (AP) — In sun-deprived Washington state, the promise of nice spring weather has prompted a small private school to give students a day off to enjoy the sunshine.

Friday will be a "sun day" of sorts for 205 students at Bellingham Christian School in Bellingham, Wash.

Principal Bob Sampson announced the day off on the school's site.

Sampson says he wanted to give students a chance to enjoy the weather and re-energize. He says he surveyed parents and floated the idea with the school board before canceling school.

The sun day was also made possible because there weren't any days off because of snow this school year.

Friday is not the first time the school has given students the day off because of sunshine. The last time was two years ago.

Truly, it is a glorious day.  If you have never been to Western Washington when the sun is shining, then you are missing out on one of God's great gifts.  I'm glad that the Bellingham principal sees things the same way.  I hope not one of those lucky-ducky children wastes the day inside playing video games!
I am also thrilled to report that our baby apple trees in the backyard have blossoms on them this spring -- for the first time!  Yay!  The blueberry bushes are looking great, with countless delicate, pale buds that look like poofy skirts from the Gay 90's.  The strawberries are making their own sweet show in greens, whites, and yellows.  And, I have planted my geraniums and marigolds and peas.  I love my rainy, grey winters here in the PNW; but, I love my vibrant, flashy springs, too!